Contact Us To Enroll


Become a qualified ROV pilot, with your very own Applydrone ROV logbook, capable of conducting underwater inspections and monitoring the work and safety of divers.


You will be taught by a team of highly experienced ROV instructors, who have conducted 100’s of hours of ROV flying and supervision all around the globe.


The course has two phases, the first is the online learning module, learn online in your own time, with our step-by-step lessons which take a crawl, walk, run approach. For the second module, you will be invited to a scenic quarry in the vicinity of Swansea to learn the practical aspects of flying a ROV and conducting jetty, culvert, and boat visual inspections.


The first of its kind in the UK, this course delivers mini and observation class ROV pilots with a ROV logbook and qualification that gives them the know how; to approach clients, get work and produce a high quality product.


Express your interest using the link and one of or ROV instructors will contact you to speak to you about the course and answer any questions you have.

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